Creating Marital SEXcess

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The Marriage Boot Camp Academy CREATING MARITAL SEXCESS course is the equivalent of over 5 hours of couples counseling work, a value of over $1000 in the comfort and privacy of your own home!

Sex is one of the most powerful and natural ways to express our love to each other. So why in the heck does it get so complicated?!?!

In the Creating Marital SEXcess course Dr. Elizabeth Carroll brings the sexy back to sex by teaching you about yourself and your mate, then showing you what you can do to reconnect both in the bedroom and out… without it being weird.

As you will hear over and over in this course – IT’S ALL NORMAL! So let us give you a powerful and comfortable way to discuss your sexual desires and identify the roadblocks that get in the way to getting what you really want.

The teaching and the practice time allows you to go at your own pace to maximize the growth and healing instead of being limited by the therapist’s clock.

In the CREATING MARITAL SEXCESS course you will be an active participant in unwrapping some of the hardest things to discuss – what you want in the bedroom. There is also include a printable PDF to help you get started and stay organized. It contains essential materials, exercises, and references we’ll be using in the upcoming lessons. 

Online learning can be challenging so, as with all things Boot Camp, let me make this as simple as ABC. In just hours, you will be able to:

  • Identify the things that create the best sexual environment for YOU and how to communicate this to your mate
  • Hear what your mate needs to get into their best sexual space and learn to listen without judgement
  • Discover the common misconceptions that keep you and your mate stuck
  • Discover that it is GOOD to connect sexually even when you’re in conflict
  • Learn HOW to have GREAT SEX IN 5 MINUTES!
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What Will You Learn?

  • 1. How to build a loving foundation by understanding how your mate feels most loved.
  • 2. The biology of desire and the accelerators and brakes in the brain.
  • 3. The four stages of arousal which can be different fro person to person and that IT'S ALL NORMAL!
  • 4. How to have GREAT SEX in just five minutes.

Course Content

Welcome to CREATING MARITAL SEXCESS! To help you get started and stay organized, I've attached a PDF that you’ll need throughout the course. It contains essential materials, exercises, or references we’ll be using in the upcoming lessons. Having a printed copy will make it easier to follow along and engage with the content fully. What to Do: Download the attached PDF. Print it out and keep it handy for your notes and activities. Make sure to print out a copy for each participant.


This little skit is based on the book "The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts" by Gary Chapman. This book says that there are five different “love languages” and that each of us feels most loved when our loved ones speak our particular love language. While we love all of the expressions of love, there will usually be one particular expression of love that speaks to you most deeply. One of the biggest mistakes we make in relationships is giving love in the way we want to receive love, as opposed to giving love the way our partner wants to receive love. Here are the five languages: 1. Physical Touch 2. Words of Affirmation 3. Quality Time 4. Gifts 5. Acts of Service

ACCELERATORS AND BRAKES – The Dual Control Model The largest sex organ in human anatomy…is the brain…and it boils down to this: human sexuality can best be understood by the “dual control model” of accelerators and brakes, like a car. You could think of them as “turn-ons” and “turn-offs”, but it’s much more complicated than that. The dual controls in the brain scan the environment for sexually relevant data and holds this information in the brain until the time is right, then the brain sends signals to your body and says, “turn on” or “turn off”. This is KEY to understanding human sexuality. Because of a woman’s highly integrated brain structure, she is integrated in virtually every experience, while a man compartmentalizes – he keeps things in separate boxes, and this aligns with the physiology of the male brain as well.




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